Background: "A quantum of Solace”: Security Forward Risk and Intelligence Forum is convened by Professor Michael Mainelli, Lord Mayor of the City of London and co-chaired by Peter Fraser-Hopewell and Chris Smith. The Forum will provide an opportunity for provocative and lively discussions regarding some of the principle risks we face today. What quantum of solace can we find in a world that is likely already at war? What choices does the UK have and how should it make them?
Location: The Spy Bar in the 1st Basement of the Raffles Hotel, Old War Office, 57 Whitehall, SW1A 2BX, The Spy Bar was used by Churchill and his spy chiefs, during the Second World War, to discuss matters most secret. The Spy Bar offers a unique experience for anyone seeking a taste of the clandestine world of espionage and exotic cocktails.
Nick Fishwick has an extensive foreign affairs background, having worked at senior levels for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for over 25 years. From 1984 until 2012, he worked in various roles within the United Kingdom as well as Lagos, Istanbul and Kabul.
For the last 11 years, he has advised HSBC (including six years as a non-executive director for HSBC Latin America) using his considerable experience in the areas of risk, financial crime and cyber security.
Nick was appointed as a Non Executive Director of the HM Courts & Tribunal Service in January 2024
Professor Michael Mainelli MStJ PhD MPhil BA FCCA FCSI(Hon) FBCS FRSA CITP FIC CMC MEI is a qualified accountant, securities professional, computer specialist, and management consultant, educated at Harvard University and Trinity College Dublin. He gained his PhD at the London School of Economics where he was also Visiting Professor of Innovation & IT. Originally a research scientist in aerospace (rocket science) and computing (architecture & cartography), after directing mapping projects in Switzerland he became a senior partner with accountants BDO Binder Hamlyn directing global consulting, and Corporate Development Director for Europe’s largest R&D firm, then the Ministry of Defence’s 14,000 strong Defence Evaluation & Research Agency. During a mergers & acquisitions spell in merchant banking with Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, he founded Z/Yen in 1994, the City of London’s leading think-tank, promoting societal advance through better finance and technology, renowned for its Global Financial, Green Finance, and Smart Centres indices. During his year as Lord Mayor, Alderman Mainelli will act as a spokesman for the City, leading overseas business delegations to key international markets on behalf of the UK financial and professional services industry. In the role he will meet government representatives, alongside business leaders and policy makers both at home and abroad. He will look to strengthen economic ties with the UK, identify new business opportunities and promote the UK as a top global destination for foreign investment.
Thursday, 29 August 2024
18:00 - 20:00 BST
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Raffles London at The OWO
57 Whitehall, London