A Night At The Old Bailey Watching Movies - "Life Is Wonderful: Mandela's Unsung Heroes" - The Rivonia Trial
Webinar - South Africa & The City Of London's Central Criminal Court

The South African Chamber of Commerce (UK)

in association with

Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli & Christopher Hayward CC, Sheriffs of the City of London


Alderman John Garbutt JP, High Sheriff of Greater London

Invite you to an online screening of the film followed by an interactive discussion with the creator and director of

Life is Wonderful: Mandela’s Unsung Heroes

Thursday, 11 February 2020, from 18:00 to 20:00

(access will be open from 17:50)

Life is Wonderful is a documentary film by Sir Nicholas Stadlen, former judge of the High Court of England and Wales. He has captured the personal experiences of the last remaining trialists and their defence lawyers, sharing the human stories and the legal arguments used in the Rivonia Trial.

The welcoming address will be delivered by the

Rt Hon The Lord Mayor Of The City Of London, Alderman William Russell

Life is wonderful.jpg

Closing remarks will be given by

HHJ Mark Lucraft QC, The Recorder of London

The Rivonia Trial, which sentenced Nelson Mandela and 9 other anti-apartheid activists to life in prison, took place in 1963 and 1964.

The ten men convicted either died during their imprisonment or spent 27 years of their lives in prison, most of them on Robben Island with Mandela.

They emerged in the beginning of the 1990’s to win their life’s struggle for a multiracial democracy in South Africa in the 1994 election.

2020 has seen the passing of the last two living trialists and last defence lawyer, all of whom feature in the film.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to understand the complexities of the times and to engage with Sir Nick who has so much more to share that did not make the final cut.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

18:00 - 20:00 GMT


City of London

Share this event on social media:

  • The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor Alderman William Russell
    City Of London Corporation
  • nicholas stadlen
    Sir Nicholas Stadlen
    Life Is Wonderful Director and Former Judge of the High Court of England and Wales
  • sharon-constancon.jpg
    Sharon Constançon
    South African Chamber Of Commerce (London)
  • michaelredrobe.jpg
    Alderman & Sheriff Professor Michael Mainelli
    Executive Chairman
    Z/Yen Group
  • Sherriff Hayward 2 Red Robe.jpg
    Sheriff Christopher Hayward CC
  • HHJ Mark Lucraft QC
    The Recorder of London
    Central Criminal Court

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